Born: June 17, 1970
When Boris was three years old at the time of salvation athletes parachutists during the emergency landing of the aircraft, his father was tragically killed. Even after such fatal consequences hobbies skydiving, mother - Valentina, forbade his son to follow in his father's footsteps. From an early age Boris sports. From 1980 to 1985, repeatedly became the winner of the Crimean Championships Greco-Roman wrestling in his weight.
In 1985 Boris graduated Nebreev 8 high school gymnasium number 1. Combining studies in college food industry and sports, before the army on his account was about 800 jumps. With a hardened and thus the luggage board, Boris was only one way - in the Marines.
After successful completion of six-month training courses Programs at the initial squad leaders in Gaižiūnai, Lithuania chose the further service in the difficult Transcaucasian region - city Kirovabad. In addition, he was enrolled in the national team skydiving Transcaucasian Military District. For successful performance in the championship of the USSR Armed Forces was appointed Superfund-serving team of the Transcaucasian Military District skydiving.
In August 1994, on the demonstrations in honor of aviation, he performed a complicated parachute jump at the airport in the Guards, in the Crimea. Pushing the less experienced parachutist and, thereby giving him a few meters bailout, it got hard-accelerates downwards. Impact on the ground has been so strong that Boris flew to 3 m above the ground. After a week-long coma after surgery, Boris came without the right foot.
After losing his legs, Boris resolved to continue jumping. Gradually returning power had to re-learn to walk, first on crutches, then independently. Tried paragliding. It was difficult, but the credo of his life, as he himself says - always be on top. He conquered this height, with clenched teeth, denture losing air during the opening of the parachute, which departed in an unknown direction, after which it had to be fixed to the foot of additional straps.
In 1996, at the end of the rehabilitation period, Boris Albertovich, he founded a sports club "Para-Crimea", which successfully defends the honor of the Crimea skydiving today. In the summer of 2015 a team of the sports club, the only one to represent the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Championships in parachuting.
Boris - the master of parachuting, a multiple champion of Ukraine, the four-time champion of Russia on parachute group acrobatics among disabled athletes, winner of Championship and Cup, the absolute champion of the CIS among Parachuting disabled. On account of Boris more than 5,000 jumps, most of which he did after the amputation of his legs!
All around her think Boris full, successful and remarkable man.
In 2004 Boris graduated Albertovich Nebreev International Slavic University and qualified as a specialist in international economic relations.
Since 2005 head of the Crimean republican enterprise Center of gliding "Koktebel" (now the State Unitary Enterprise of the RK DSP "Koktebel"), on the basis of which is engaged in the development and promotion of aviation sports. Despite the lack of funding, Gliding Center is continuing its work and is actively developing, thanks to the efforts of the sky enthusiasts headed by Boris Nebreevym, more and more people interested in aviation, flying gliders and planes, parachuting.
Thanks to the efforts of Boris on the territory of the DSP "Koktebel" established "walk of fame of domestic aviation and aerospace", restored the unique, the only museum in the world, which exposition is dedicated to the birth of gliding aircraft and the former Soviet Union.
Boris has many different awards. Commander of the Order "For courage" of 3 degrees, the Order of "St. Archangel Michael", the Order of the Russian Union "For Merit" of veterans of Afghanistan, winner of Medal of Yuri Gagarin in the "activism" (for the organization of the movement for the protection of the unique mountain Klementieva)
Married. Family:
Wife - Nebreeva Alla, born in 1979, bringing up daughters and a son.
Daughter - Nebreeva Anastasia B., born in 2000
Daughter - Nebreeva Arina Borisovna, born in 2002
Son - Nebreev Gleb Borisovich, 2011 DOB
Daughter - 2016. birth.
Truly next to us walking on the ground and fly through the sky a living legend, a man who lives for a dream, for love, for life itself, to which you want to be like and which should be equal.
Boris sky fan, pilot, skydiver instructor who has trained dozens of young athletes, won numerous competitions. He is a man who spends a unique jumping for disabled children. I want to emphasize that he does it for free. Mountain Klementieva, a legendary place for all the flying, the birthplace of our aircraft has been maintained named Boris. But most importantly, it gives people, especially people with disabilities, with whom he is working very closely on this fantastic energy reabilitatsii- sky, hope and confidence. Anyone who flew will never crawl. When you communicate with his students or visitors who made the jump, you realize that it gives people that much more money - emotions, hope and self-confidence. To him came to visit almost all the current Ministers of Crimea, and always appreciated the work of the club. This base for various reasons related to the Ministry of Tourism and resorts in the Crimea, but is full of self-support because of it Nebreevu. Boris Nebreeva forces and the money of his family was to create a powerful learning center, Aviation Museum on Mount Klementieva in Feodosia.