Dancing in the sky and on the ground

International dance and parachuting festival dedicated to the memory of legendary Soviet pilot Alexei Maresiev, held in Minsk on September 13-17.

there were two key events during the festival: the open championship of the Republic of Belarus in sport dancing in wheelchairs and skydiving in tandem. Dance competition was held on the basis of Dance and fitness center of the NGO "BFPSI" in Kolodishchi. The championship was attended by the program is already familiar to viewers category "combi" - one partner on his feet, the second in a wheelchair, "duet" - two wheelchair, as well as "freestyle" and "single", which act as single dancers and couples. On the floor dancers performed European and Latin American program, as well as the waltz, tango, samba, rumba and jive. To participate in the championship came not only dancers from different cities of Belarus. For the title of best also wrestled representatives of Russia, Azerbaijan and France.

The second event, which was held in the framework of the international festival, namely skydiving in tandem, took the airfield "Hog." So, near Minsk were made by representatives of 7 countries: Belarus, Russia, France, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Monaco and Macedonia.

Recall that among the goals of the festival - the development of active rehabilitation for people with disabilities through sport; promotion of sports as an important means of rehabilitation and strengthening of health of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in a healthy lifestyle; attracting wheelchair users in physical culture and sports; strengthening of friendly relations between healthy people and people with disabilities from different countries and continents.

Сборная команда России под руководством Заместителя Председателя ВОИ , Президента РССИ Флюра Нурлыгаянова,составленная из представителей Всероссийского общества инвалидов и Российского спортивного союза инвалидов Грабова Леонида, Фирсова Егора, Васильчука Игоря, Волоховой Елены, Мыльниковой Анны, Гусаровой Алеси, инструкторов-тандема и воздушных операторов Парашютного центра в Пущино, авиаклуба «Аэроклассика» в Ватулино, парашютного центра "Пара-Крым«и авиаклуба «Стриж» Максима Тихомирова, Вячеслава Дубинского, Юрия Жаркова, Бориса Небреева, Добровой Надежды, Парфеновой Надежды, Юрченко Виталия, Андрианова Сергея, Колдаева Михаила, выступила на этих соревнованиях достойно. Первое место и золотые медали завоевало в упорной борьбе звено «Крым-Россия» в составе Бориса Небреева, Виталия Юрченко и Леонида Грабова. Второе место заняло звено «Скайцентр. Аэро» в составе Дубинского Вячеслава, Добровой Надежды и Фирсова Егора, третье место завоевало звено «Стриж» в составе Андрианова Сергея, Колдаева Михаила и Мыльниковой Анны.

The composition of the Russian national team veteran of the Great Patriotic War, 95-year-old Maria Koltakova Denisovna has been included, which has set an example for young dance in the festival program, and made in these competitions with the tandem master from Crimea Nebreevym Borisov his third parachute jump.

Participation in these competitions Denisovna Mary became one of the most important events of this dance festival in the sky and on the ground.

Participants express their gratitude to the Belarusian organizers of this great sporting event, the entire staff of  the Minsk aviakluba  (http://aeroclub-minsk.by) and personally

Senior instructor of parachute training Stefanovich Yury Acting Director of the competition, the tandem master,

Chief Justice Alexander Gerasimenko, the judge of national category, 
Chief Secretary Dmitry Kirshenkov Judge national category, 
Hyuppenenu Dmitry, the judge of the international category, 
Repin Sergey, instructor, tandem master, 
sod Eugene, instructor, tandem master,  
Movchunu Sergey, video is the operator 
Molokovich Aleksaodru, instructor, tandem master, 
Valova Dmitry, video operator,

Aeroclub Kuntsevich doctor Dmitry,

Volunteers, athletes Minsk aeroclub: Kurshubadze Vahtanug, Maxim Romanovsky, Xenia Grigorieva, Barbarych Catherine Ishchenko Dmitri Tkachev Vadim Malinowski Nicholas and, of course, the chief of the Minsk aeroclub DOSAAF Mochanskomu Nicholas. 
for the excellent organization, welcoming attitude. At the parachute-dance festival has a special atmosphere of friendship, cooperation, mutual understanding.

All the participants were united by love to the sky.

At the initiative of the President Rssii Flyura Nurlygayanova been proposed Federation of parachuting in France, which is the ancestor and the initiator of such events, the third international competition for disabled skydiving to double parachute system "Tandem" to be held in 2018. in Russia .

Short photo can be viewed at  the link .

The event was held with support from the United Nations Development Program in the Republic of Belarus, Minsk City Executive Committee, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus and the Federation of parachuting in France. The festival is organized by the Ministry of the Republic of Belarus of sport and tourism, RGOO "President's Sports Club" RGOO "DOSAAF", NGO "Belarusian fund to help athletes with disabilities", the Minsk aeroclub DOSAAF (airfield "Hog") and the NGO "Belarusian Federation of Dance and Rhythmic Gymnastics in wheelchairs. "

Russian sports Disability Alliance would like to thank for providing assistance and active participation in the preparation and participation of disabled Russian paratroopers in the second international competition «HandiFly» in Minsk:

Member of the Presidium of the Russian Federation of parachuting - Shvachko Alexandra
President of the Union of Veterans and Disabled - Russian paratroopers Arsenov Vladimir,
The head of the NGO "Center for parachute training and sports" Zhirov Anatolia and
PDS leader of the Autonomous non-profit educational organization air-club "Aeroklassika" Alexei Alekhine.
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