As part of the program for participants in the program have the opportunity to pass on individual curricula 1-2 day flight training in a wind tunnel on the basis of educational and training systems, which are partners in the program "The sky is open to all."
Most have good relations program developed with the guidance of instructors and wind tunnel " free flight ", where people with disabilities for the first time in Russia, feel the joy of free flight, we received the first of his body management skills in the air stream.
Wind tunnel - simulators freefall, created specifically for anyone who was able to experience the wonderful feeling of flying.
The complex is equipped with a system that is able to be injected into the ascending flight zone aeropotok tunnel, which force is sufficient for holding the human body and whose speed can be adjusted easily. Due to this we have a comfortable and safe conditions for the flight in the tunnel people of any age, weight and fitness.
Here a person can literally float on air currents. The storm of emotion and enthusiasm includes anyone who comes here.
This section tells about the invention of mankind in aeronautics, to the complex and thorny path of technological progress is not always successful and high-risk shares. The idea of conquering the airspace originated in ancient times, and for many centuries, mankind has put effort to to put these ideas into practice. First, it was just a dream of flying "like a bird", then fantastic and semi-fantastic projects for its implementation, the first flights, and finally - all speeds up phase of technical development of various types of aircraft. The consequences of scientific and technological achievements, we can observe today. Along with the invention of airplanes and space rockets, XX century was crowned with the establishment of a special mechanism, allowing a person to float in the air and feel the weightlessness, without the use of bulky aircraft. They became the wind tunnel - an innovation that can fulfill the dreams of many.
Since ancient times man dreams of flying, of conquering the airspace. The first evidence of this - the ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus, referring to the XVIII century BC. e. The myth tells the story of the great Greek sculptor Daedalus, who decided to escape from King Minos home and produced two pairs of wings from feathers of birds - for himself and for his son Icarus. The day came when they were able to fly, but intoxicated with flight, Icarus forgot his father's instruction, and rushed up to the sun, which melted the wax, fastening feathers. The wings were scattered, and Icarus fell into the Aegean Sea waves. According to the legend, it can be assumed that in ancient Greece were familiar with the device of the airframe, and Icarus was the first victim of the dynamic flight.
Of all the sports by far the majority, anyway, based on overcoming gravity. Flying in a vertical wind tunnel - or to put jargon "bodyflight" - one of them. It allows you to get closer to the implementation of one of our deepest wishes as closely as possible. It is the most technologically advanced flight simulator, which was invented by man. Bodyflight - is a unique game, a new sport. It is a challenge to our physical abilities. This is an opportunity to overcome all your fears and keep them away on the ground.
Professional instructors will explain all the details of aerial acrobatics and teach freely and easy to control your body in the air stream. You make sure that the flight diversity is truly infinite, however, as your body's capabilities.
We learn to fly one and all!