Great initiative Federation of parachuting in France to create an accessible environment for familiarizing disabled people with a view to their social and psychological rehabilitation and to be active by creating opportunities for training in parachuting and flying in the wind tunnel, supported by many national federations parachuting, parachutists athletes. This movement has been called «HANDI FLY» was successfully held in 2016-2017g.g. the first international sporting parachute festivals in France and Belarus. In 2018 the festival baton with the support of Russian presidential grants, initiated by the Russian President, the Russian takes Disabled Sports Association and the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, which unites more than 1.5 million people in its ranks, with the participation of Russian Federation of parachuting.
In the period from 25 to 29 July 2018 in Moscow planned to hold the third international festival of sport parachuting «HANDI FLY Euro Challenge - MOSCOW 2018". Disabled competitions to double parachute system "tandem" with the implementation of complex coils in free fall will take place on the basis of one of the best Air Club " Aerograd Kolomna ", master-classes on flights in the wind tunnel will be organized in a complex " the Freezone". Participants of the festival will have the opportunity to take part in the condemnation of topical issues of the movement «HANDI FLY», get acquainted with the best foreign experience at a roundtable on the theme "Experience, problems and solutions to create an accessible environment and opportunities aviation sports in psycho-social rehabilitation of the disabled. "
The participants of the festival, timely submission of applications for participation and receive an official invitation from the festival organizing committee, provided free accommodation, food, competitive jumping on tandems for those who want the opportunity to make a flight in a wind tunnel, a transfer from airport arrival to Moscow to accommodations and back out. If you are interested to get acquainted with the experience of the development of the movement «HANDI FLY», take part in competitions, meet old friends and find new ones, to admire the sights of the Russian capital, welcome to Moscow.
Do not delay contact us and send up to 15 February 2018 a preliminary application for participation in the festival. For more information, status (regulation), application forms, the logo of the festival can be found on our website .