1.1. The third international sports and sports parachuting festival «HandiFly Euro Challenge» (hereinafter - the sports festival) with the participation of disabled persons with lesions of the musculoskeletal system (hereinafter pending) is the official sports events and conducted in accordance with the approved plan of activities of the Central Management Board of the All-Russian Society disabled to 2018. Sports Festival is held on the basis of the rules of the sport "parachuting", approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016. Number 1342 of the Regulation on inter-regional and All-Russian competitions in skydiving to 2018. and these Regulations.
1.2. In the event of disputes relating to the organization and conduct of the competition, the solution of which is impossible on the basis of the Russian Federation legislation, regulations, competition rules and these Regulations, the Organizing Committee and the Ground Jury of the festival has the right to make their own decisions and then inform the organizers and participants of the festival. Such decisions are binding for all festival participants - athletes, disabled musculoskeletal system, coaches, doctors, judges, and other accompanying officials involved in the festival.
1.3.Komandy are the organizers of the competition the right to contest any lighting, photo, video and sound recordings made during the competition. It comes free of charge, but the rights are not exclusive. The materials can be used by the organizer for the purpose of informing, training and / or advertising events during and after the competition.
1.4. It is forbidden to provide illegal influence on sports scores included in this provision.
1.5. It is forbidden to participate in gambling in bookmakers and betting by wagering on the official sporting events in accordance with the requirements established by paragraph 3 of Part 4 of Article 26.2. Federal Law of December 4, 2007 № 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation."
1.6. Force Majeure: The organizers are exempt from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations for the sports festival, if this failure was caused by force majeure or was the result of extraordinary events, which organizers could not foresee and prevent, for example, political events, and solutions, earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, weather and other natural phenomena affecting the organization of the event).
2.1. Promotion and development of active social and psychological rehabilitation for people with disabilities by involving them in the classes aviation sports.
2.2. Popularization of parachuting in the Russian Federation.
2.3. Strengthening international cooperation and exchange of experience in addressing issues on the creation of an accessible environment for people with disabilities by involving them to take skydiving.
2.4. Development of volunteerism, strengthening of friendly relations between healthy people and people with disabilities.
2.5. Identification of the best teams and athletes.
3.1. Dates: from 25 to 29 July 2018.
3.2. Venue: Moscow region, Kolomna district, pp. Korobcheevo airfield Korobcheevo ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna» http://www.aerograd.ru/
Distribution of duties
4.1. The general management of the sports festival carries Russian Sports Association of Disabled Persons (hereinafter - Rssii) with the participation of the Federation of parachuting Russia, ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" DOSAAF Russia. Preparation and holding of sports festival carried Organizing Committee, Chief of the competition, the Ground Jury formed and appointed Rssii with the participation of heads of Federation of parachuting Russia, ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" DOSAAF Russia and other interested organizations.
4.2. The distribution of other rights and responsibilities is based on the contract with Rssii ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" and organizations that are involved in sporting festival and sports festival regulations.
4.3. Rssii with the Organizing Committee provides the invitations to participate in a sports festival, visa support for foreign participants, solves transport issues from the airport, the railway station of arrival to Moscow and back out home delivery of the placement to the venues of the sports festival, decides on acquisition premium and souvenir merchandise, equipment, provides workshops with the team leaders and participants, selects its representatives to work credentials, technical and medical commissions, preparation of press releases during and at the end of the competition, participating in matters of lease and installation of sanitary and sanitary cabins on the airfield Korobcheevo provides accommodation at the hotels in Kolomna.,
4.4. FPS Russia jointly with ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" provides for consultation with Rssii formation and work of the Jury, Mandate and technical commissions involved in the preparation and conduct opening and closing ceremonies of sports festival, awarding the participants, organizing demonstrations of parachutists at the closing ceremony and the opening of competitions, supports Rssii in media coverage of the sports festival.
4.5. ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" on a contractual basis with Rssii provides the organization and conduct of parachute jumps during the sports festival for festival participants and participants parachuting demonstrations, delivers participants parachute jumps from the starting point to the aircraft, identifies areas for packing parachutes, placing on the aviakluba basis with appropriate equipment of participants, the Jury, mandate and technical commission for the period of their work, provide medical clearance from private owners to commit parachute jumps, allocates space for placement of flags of countries-participants of the festival and the partners involved in the organization of the opening and closing ceremonies. Highlights their representatives to serve on the Credentials and Technical Commission,
4.6. Duties of the responsible persons.
4.6.1. Head of Competition appointed under the decision of the Director of ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" in agreement with the Rssii and the Russian Federal Border Service and ensure the implementation of the competition, together with the Chief Justice agree to their beginning.
4.6.2. Team leaders are responsible for communication between the members of their teams and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Chief of Competition and Chief Justice. Are responsible for the order of jumping of their athletes and their arrival time at the starting line inspection and landing in the airplane. Have the right to watch the judges notes members of his team. In the absence of the team manager of his duties can perform the assigned team member.
4.6.3 Each team shall be the team captain, who is also a member of the competition and is responsible for liaison between the team and the pilot of the aircraft, and in the absence of the head of the team with other officials.
5.1. Sports Festival events are held on aerodrme Korobcheevo, special venues and sports facilities that meet the requirements of safety rules during the official sports competitions in accordance with the Federal Law of December 4, 2007. № 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation". Skydiving and operations are conducted in accordance with the documents governing the work aviakluba "Aerograd Kolomna." The minimum height jumping competitions of 3000 meters using double parachute systems "Tandem" .
5.2. Participation in sports is only carried out when there is a contract of insurance against accidents, life insurance contracts and health, which are submitted to the Organizing Committee for each participant sports competitions. Insurance participants of sports competitions is carried out both by the budget of the Russian Federation and extrabudgetary funds, in accordance with applicable Russian legislation.
5.3. Emergency medical assistance is carried out in accordance with the order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health from 01.03.2016g. № 134n "On the order of organization of medical care to persons engaged in physical culture and sports, including the carrying out of sports and sporting events."
5.4. Anti-Doping providing sports activities carried out in accordance with the anti-doping rules, approved by Order of Ministry of Sports of Russia, dated 9 August 2016. Number 947.
6.1. Sports Festival is held in the territories Korobcheevo airfield in the Kolomna district of Moscow region on the basis of ANO DPO "Aerograd Kolomna" and on the basis of wind tunnel "FreeZone" -49km. Simferopol highway.
6.2. Estimated total number of participants up to 120 people, including disabled athletes up to 30 people, the tandem instructors up to 20 people, air operators up to 20 people, coaches, officials and accompanying 50 people.
6.3. As part of the sports festival will be held sports competitions of persons with disabilities on the jumps on a double parachute "Tandem" system along with the instructor, accompanied by an air operator with the performance of disabled in freefall spirals complex, subjecting the participants of the Round Table of the festival on the theme of "Experience, problems and their solutions to create an accessible environment and opportunities aviation sports in the work of social and psychological rehabilitation of persons with disabilities ", and Prove denie based on the wind tunnel of the master class and demonstration training sessions.
7.1. The sports festival attended by delegations from Russia and other countries, have accepted the invitation to take part Rssii. The delegation consists of people with disabilities being served, tandem instructors, air operators, coaches, officials and accompanying persons with disabilities. As part of a delegation may be formed by one or more teams to participate in competitions on the parachute tandem as part of a disabled person, a tandem instructor, air operator. The number of participants in the delegation from each country, which will be sent to a call from Rssii will be determined Rssii after receiving preliminary applications to attend the Sports Festival by the deadline.
7.2. To participate in the sports festival allowed teams and athletes over 18 years old, admitted credentials committee.
7.3. Instructors tandem, air operators, admitted to the Sports Festival credentials committee, by a decision of the Jury may be included in the lineups of other countries.
7.4. Sending organization is legally responsible, in accordance with Russian legislation for the accuracy of the information about the level of their training and the status of parachute systems, as well as for the behavior of members of the delegation at the festival.
7.5. To participate in individual and team sports competitions kinds of programs allowed disabled athletes who are 18 years before the date of the competition and have a weight of up to 80kg.
7.6. Paratroopers with disabilities, who are engaged in parachuting, can not be registered as members with disabilities in competitions, which are organized for people with disabilities in tandem with instructors.
7.7. When arriving to the venue of the festival, to engage in jumping in tandem and flying in the wind tunnel allowed athletes, past credentials, technical and medical commissions.
7.8.V credentials committee members are:
7.9. Участники соревнований при совершении прыжка должны быть экипированы защитным шлемом, защитными очками и перчатками, а инструкторы-парашютисты иметь высотомеры и сигнализаторы высоты, парашютный нож, специальную обувь. Парашютное оборудование иностранных участников должно соответствовать нормам принимающей страны.
7.10. Спортсмены (ПОДА), должны иметь медицинскую справку о допуске
к соревнованиям с участием в парашютных прыжках на двухместной парашютной системе «Тандем» и полетам в аэродинамической трубе вместе с инструктором. Всю ответственность за объективность предоставленных медицинских документов несут сами участники.
7.11. Спортсмены заполняют при регистрации анкету, где дают подписку о том, что в случае получения во время прыжка с парашютом в тандеме травмы и др., они не имеют претензий к организаторам фестиваля и лицам, обслуживающим проведение его парашютной части.
7.12. К участию в спортивном фестивале не допускаются: Лица, у которых во время соревнований может возникнуть обострение сопутствующего заболевания (помимо основного заболевания — ПОДА), что может вызвать потребность в оказании неотложной медицинской помощи (сахарный диабет, эпилепсия, нарушение свертываемости крови, сердечная недостаточность, и т.д.), лица с психическими заболеваниями. Также не допускаются лица в состоянии алкогольного и наркотического опьянения, под воздействием психотропных веществ, лица, нарушившие технику безопасности во время нахождения на аэродроме.
7.13. Медицинский работник авиаклуба «Аэроград Коломна» на основании предоставленных документов вправе не допустить участника к прыжку с парашютом в тандеме
7.14. Инструкторы-тандема, воздушные операторы, допущенные для участия в соревнованиях, должны оформить свое членство в Авиаклубе «Аэроград Коломна» до начала соревнований.
7.15. Участники фестиваля обязаны выполнять требования настоящего Положения, проявляя при этом дисциплинированность, организованность, уважение к соперникам, судьям и зрителям.
8.1. Предварительная заявка (Приложение № 1), содержащая информацию о составе команды, участвующей в спортивном фестивале, согласованная с руководителем национальной федерации парашютного спорта или руководителем национальной общественной организации инвалидов (при наличии), направляется в Российский спортивный союз инвалидов по электронной почте 2012psm@mail.ru , не позднее 15 февраля 2018г.
8.2. Именные заявки (Приложение № 2) на участие в спортивном фестивале, составленная после получения от РССИ подтверждения на выделение национальной команде количественной квоты на участие, согласованная с национальной спортивной федерацией и руководителем национальной общественной организации инвалидов, направляется в РССИ до 20 апреля 2018г. по электронной почте 2012psm@mail.ru .
8.3. Подлинники именных заявок (Приложение № 2) на участие в спортивном фестивале, подписанные руководителем команды и согласованные с руководителем национальной федерации парашютного спорта или руководителем общественной организации инвалидов предоставляются в количестве 3-х экземпляров в мандатную комиссию в день регистрации на месте размещения участников фестиваля К заявке прилагаются следующие документы на каждого спортсмена:
2018 года.
8.4. Список участников руководителем команды может быть изменен до совершения первого прыжка на соревнованиях.
9.1. Определение командных мест осуществляется в соответствии с правилами парашютного спорта и парашютной спортивной дисциплины и настоящим регламентом. В командном виде программы спортивного фестиваля победители определяются по наименьшей сумме времени при выполнении комплекса из заданных горизонтальных фигур в свободном падении, после окончания всех выполнения раундов.
Время, затраченное на выполнение каждого завершенного раунда (прыжка), суммируется для того, чтобы определить общий рейтинг (результат). Побеждает команда (спортсмен, инструктор-тандем, видео оператор) с наименьшим общим временем. Этот рейтинг определит обладателей золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей, которыми станут три лучшие команды международного спортивного фестиваля по прыжкам с парашютом в тандеме. При наличии кворума (3 участника) среди инвалидов-колясочников проводится отдельный зачет в номинациях «мужчины — женщины», «спинальники — ампутанты.
9.2.Если у претендентов на первые три места одинаковое количество баллов, то, по возможности, выполняется еще один прыжок, по заданию, одинаковому с соревновательным прыжком. Комплекс для дополнительного прыжка выбирается на усмотрение каждого участника, а судьи должны быть уведомлены о дополнительном прыжке. Если после дополнительного прыжка результаты остаются равными, командам засчитывается одинаковое количество баллов.
9.3.Podschet points made after each round. The winner of each round is the team with the lowest time. This ranking will provide an opportunity to award the gold medal team, winning one round when the second and subsequent rounds could not be held due to objective reasons. These teams will be declared "champion of international competitions HandyFly-2018 round." If several teams competing for the first place, have the same result, they scored the same rating.
9.4.Pri summarizing recorded assigned disabled handicap.
9.5. The Head Judge is the final opportunity to change the coefficient after the first round, if it turns out that the rate used was not adapted to the observed disability. In this case, the points accumulated in the first round, respectively corrected using the new coefficient handicap.
TABLE handicap |
Odds: |
Moderate disability (cause unknown) |
1 |
Central or peripheral neurological disorder |
0.7 - 0.8 |
Cerebral paralysis |
0.7 - 0.8 |
Tetrapelgiya |
0.7 - 0.8 |
Progressive neurological disorder |
0.8 - 0.9 |
paraplegia |
0.95 |
hemiplegia |
0.95 |
orthopedic disorders |
0.95 |
blurred vision |
0.95 |
9.6. Final results (protocols) and reports on paper and electronic media are represented in the Russian Federation and Rssii parachuting within two weeks after the end of a sporting event.
10.1. Teams ranked 1-3 places in team events program of sports competitions will be awarded with diplomas, member athletes teams are awarded
medals and diplomas of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sport and Diplomas of the FAI.
10.2. Coaches, athletes and teams - sports competition winners, who took 1st place in the individual and team events program of sports competitions will be awarded with diplomas of the organizing
10.3.Pobediteli may be awarded cash prizes and additional prizes from other partner organizations of the Organizing Committee of the competition.
10.4. В случае, если инструктор по прыжкам в тандеме и /или видео оператор выступали более чем с одной командой, он/они будут награждены только один раз, если команда будет победителем. Команда, за которую выступал соответствующий спортсмен, тем не менее, указывается в рейтинге, и остальные члены команды, не участвовавшие в других выигравших командах, получают награды.
10.5. Все участники фестиваля получают сертификат об участии в международном спортивном парашютном фестивале и совершении прыжка с парашютом в тандеме.
5.1. Проведение соревнований, оплата за тренировочные и соревновательные прыжки, оплату работы судейской коллегии, аренду летательных аппаратов, парашютных систем, медобслуживание и обеспечение безопасности, питания, размещения и транспортное обслуживание участников на период проведения фестиваля, награждение победителей соревнований осуществляется за счет средств, выделенных на реализацию Проекта «Небо, открытое для Всех» РССИ Фондом Президентских Грантов, Российским спортивным союзом инвалидов, ООО «Всероссийское общество инвалидов», а также дополнительно привлеченных средств иных организаций и спонсоров.
5.2. The costs of secondment of participants (transport to and from the airport, railway station in Moscow, daily allowances in the way food before placing in the booked accommodation for the participants), insurance of participants, provided by the sending organization or borrowed funds.
in the period from 25 to 29 July 2018.
date |
Time |
Event |
Location |
Note |
25.07. |
During the day |
Arrival, registration and accommodation of participants. |
Hotels in Kolomna |
09.00-20.00 |
Credentials and medical commission. The draw. |
Aerograd Kolomna |
26.07 |
09.00-13.00 |
Opening ceremony. The beginning of the competition. |
13.00-14.00 |
Dinner |
15.00-19.00 |
Continued competition |
19.00-20.00 |
Dinner |
20.00-21.00 |
Meeting with the leaders of the teams |
27.07 |
08.00-13.00 |
Continued competition |
Aerograd Kolomna |
13.00-14.00 |
Dinner |
15.00- 19.00 |
Continued competition |
20.00-21.00 |
Meeting with the leaders of the teams |
28.07 |
10.00-18.00 |
Master-class in a wind tunnel. |
Aerotruba |
19.00- 20.00 20.00-22.00 |
Round table "Experience, problems and solutions to create an accessible environment for disabled persons in parachuting" Winner's reward ceremony. The ceremonial closing of the festival. The final meeting with the leaders |
Aerograd Kolomna |
29.07 |
During the day |
Departure of delegations. |
Hotel |
As part of the sports festival will be held for the participants of the Round Table on the theme "Experience, problems and solutions to create an accessible environment and opportunities aviation sports in the psycho-social rehabilitation of disabled persons", as well as conduct on the basis of wind tunnel master class and demonstration training flights.
The competition program may be changed by the Festival Organizing Committee, depending on weather conditions and other objective reasons.
13.1. Судейскую коллегию формирует Федерация парашютного спорта по согласованию с РССИ, АНО ДПО «Аэроград Коломна» из квалифицированных судей ФПС России и ФПС Франции.
13.2. В состав судейской коллегии входят:
13.3. Судьи прибывают в авиаклуб «Аэроград Коломна» за один день до начала соревнований.
13.4. Оргкомитет должен обеспечить Главного судью достаточным персоналом для помощи в выполнении технических и административных обязанностей.
13.5. Судейская коллегия обеспечивается организаторами питанием и размещением.
13.6. Судейское оборудование обеспечивается присоединением к постоянному источнику энергии, для избегания колебаний напряжения
13.7. АНО ДПО «Аэроград Коломна» обеспечивается подготовка метеоинформации для судейской коллегии и участников.
13.8. В районе площадки приземления устанавливается непрерывно работающий анемометр и конус, указывающий направление ветра, когда скорость ветра 2 м\с или более.
14.1. Снаряжение.
14.2. Каждый спортсмен несет ответственность за исправное состояние своего снаряжения. неисправность снаряжения не является основанием для перепрыжки. Это также относится к введению в действие страхующего прибора для обеспечения открытия парашюта.
14.3. Проблемы со снаряжением, возникающие в свободном падении, которые затрудняют или делают невозможным спортсмену выполнение прыжка, не является основанием для перепрыжки.
14.4. Спортсмен должен совершать парашютные прыжки в защитном шлеме.
14.5. Athletes have the opportunity Early indication in applications for participation conditions available at no charge to rent aviaklube "Aerograd Kolomna" skydiving suit, goggles, a helmet for the period of participation in the sports festival.
14.6. Master tandems may be able to rent a "tandem" system for making jumps with disabilities in aviaklube "Aerograd Kolomna". provided acknowledgment of the need for the application for participation in the festival, directed, not later than 60 days before the competition and received confirmation from the Organizing Committee of the existence of such a possibility.
14.2. Aircrafts.
To service the competitors are allocated plane L-410 and / or MI-8, allowing to provide speed dropping km.chas 140-150.
14.3. Performing jumps.
14.3.1. The competition involved teams (units) as part of the disabled, the master tandem, the air operator. Instructor jump in tandem or video operator is allowed to participate with several athletes with disabilities.
14.3.2. It is planned that the participants during the competition at the festival will be held three rounds, each of which participants will make one jump. The sequence of jumps for all rounds is determined by the draw spots, conducted 25.07.2018g. before the competition during a meeting with team leaders and participants of the competition. Every disabled person who participates in competitions, receiving tokens indicating the sequence number order and round numbers.
14.3.3. The chief of competition can change the sequence of jumps in the round due to jump-offs or other important organizational needs.
14.3.4. Head of the competition and main judge must make the most of good weather conditions, once they make the decision to continue jumping if they were suspended because of weather conditions.
14.3.5. Each athlete has a minimum of 60 minutes after arrival at the place of the competition before the announcement of the 30-minute alert.
14.3.6. Athletes are called to start 30 minutes before they have to sit in the aircraft. Repeated announcements will be made in 15 minutes and 5 minutes before landing. If they do not arrive in time to land, they will receive the maximum score for a jump.
14.3.7. Allowed only one run in the jump, except in cases where the pilot and / or the judge gives approval for the second run by external circumstances, on the basis of safety and common sense.
14.3.8. Athlete or team may decide not to make a jump for any good reason, and land on an aircraft. The length of time elapsed since take-off is not considered a valid reason for not doing the jump. If the jump is not held and the judge found the cause of good must perform it at the first opportunity.
14.3.9. The minimum interval between the offices of parachutists from the aircraft in a single pass should be at least 30 seconds, so as not to interfere with the descent and landing. In one approach can be separated from the aircraft a maximum of three teams.
14.3.10. Jumping will continue as long as, in the opinion of the Chief Justice has sufficient conditions for athletes and judges.
14.3.11. The wind speed at ground level should not exceed 11 m.sek.
14.3.12. Evaluation of performances of athletes and unofficial results of each round must be published within 12 hours after the end of the competition day. The official results shall be made available to the awards ceremony.
14.3.13. If the team, the athlete was given a jump, they formally demanded that it should be done. If the jump is not executed, for that jump is given the maximum points.
14.3.14. The number of rounds, jumping is not limited to the day.
14.4. Protests.
14.4.1. The protest in the name of the Chief Justice shall be referred to the Chief Justice of the competition with the application fee within one hour from the moment of establishing the grounds for a protest. payment amount is 3,000 (three thousand) rubles.
14.4.2.Protest can be served by the team leader, but it must be signed by an athlete or team captain, on whose behalf the team leader.
14.4.3.Glavny judge must convene a meeting of the panel of judges at the first opportunity.
14.4.4. Each protest must specify the place of the rules under which the protest is made.
14.4.5. A protest may be withdrawn at any time before the final voting members of the jury, in which case the fee for filing a protest returns.
14.4.6. Protest fee will be returned if the decision panel of judges will be made in favor of the party protested.
15.1. The interpretation of words and phrases used in these rules.
15.1.1. Spiral : reversal by 360 degrees, starting and ending in a horizontal plane face.
15.1.2. Team members with disabilities : a team consisting of a member with disabilities, a qualified instructor in tandem (with certain skills to work with athletes with disabilities) and skilled video operator.
15.1.3. The competitor with Disabilities : a competitor in tandem classified responsible for the execution of movements, is to commit spirals participants with disabilities in the style of a free fall in tandem.
15.1.4. Instructor jump in tandem : the instructor jump in tandem with an athlete with disabilities should have the required qualifications, responsible for the party's support for the disabled during the execution of a dive, for the execution of movements aimed at improving the performance of freefall maneuvers, speed, as well as signals command to end the "preparation stage" and the beginning of the "initial phase" (see. definitions below).
15.1.5. Videographer : videographer qualified team with the participation of an athlete with disabilities, responsible for managing the video freefall maneuvers, not turning around the tandem participants to accelerate maneuvers free fall in tandem. At the end of the jump, he must immediately hand over his record to referees for download. He should keep his post until the final announcement of the results. Any incident during the recording should be immediately reported to the Chief Justice, who decides on granting the right to re-jump.
15.1.6. The preparatory phase : a period during the round, starting with the departure of the aircraft and ending with the instructor signal in tandem lifting thumb up, meaning that the team is ready to perform a free fall maneuvers. This signal assumes a good stabilization reserve parachute and good location (on-axis and distance) relative to the videographer. After supplying this signal in tandem instructor assumes a neutral position, and the party with disabilities can begin the helices in free fall as desired.
15.1.7. Step execution helices : a period during rounds, starting with the signal at the end of the preparatory stage and final stage of ending signal. Throughout this step, instructor in tandem should remain neutral, not helping to execute the maneuvers of gravity, and the video operator must remain in its original axis to the end of the performances, providing design video evidence without making rectilinear movement: vertical (up / down), lateral ( left / right) or horizontal (forward / backward).
15.1.8. The final stage : the period during the round, starting with the signal at the discovery stage, when the tandem instructor gives a characteristic signal with both hands on his intention to open the parachute, and ending with the opening of the parachute. This signal requires a good control of the height in order to avoid hasty movements. After this signal, the instructor becomes active again, and the participant with disabilities should stop all maneuvers of freefall.
15.1.9. Hours : measured time in the round begins no later than when the athlete with disabilities begins to maneuver in the desired direction (ie as soon as the torso of a competitor takes the right direction for the maneuver), or when a signal of completion of the preparatory phase. The measured time is running out, or when the final finishing maneuver, turning to the videographer, or no later than the filing of the opening team. Working time is measured up to 40 seconds.
15.1.10. Coefficients of handicap (physical disability) : prior to the competition, each participant with disabilities participating in the commission of a jump in free fall in tandem, receives from the Chief Justice of the handicap factor, with the participation of the physician appointed by the organizer, according to the handicap table below. Handicap factor is issued based on the degree of disability, claimed a participant with disabilities. The coefficient can be corrected test video after the last executed jump in freefall.
15.2. Exercises in the program of the competition.
15.2.1.Invalid in free fall under the hearse has to perform in a specific sequence, depending on the height of the spiral jump 4-2
15.2.2. Allocated 2 group combinations:
Group 1 : 1 turn to the left - 1 turn to the right - 1 nalevo- turn 1 turn to the right.
Group 2 : 1 reversal napravo- 1 turn to the left - 1 turn to the right - 1 turn to the left.
15.2.3. Held three rounds of jumping (to the competition were declared valid, all participants must have completed at least one round).
15.2.4. Complexes of each round will be selected by drawing lots.
15.2.5. Jumping in tandem run with an altitude of 4000 meters.
15.2.6. jump height can be reduced to 3000 meters depending on the weather conditions on the decision of the head of the competition and the Chief Judge of the competition. In this case, jumping at such a height will be carried out throughout the round.
15.2.7. If the height would be reduced to 3,500 meters, then the free fall figures will include the first 3 successive reversal
15.2.8. If the height will be reduced to 3000 meters, the shape of free fall will include the first 2 successive reversal.
15.3. The sequence of jumps.
The sequence of jumps among the teams is determined by the drawing of lots conducted by the chief judge before the competition at the general meeting with the team leaders.
15.4. Zeroing.
Before the start of the flight of the day, or if jumping was interrupted for more than 60 minutes, must be reset at least one parachute included adjustment. Then have to make a jumping one or more parachutists in sports parachutes. Participants should be given the opportunity to observe the decrease sighting parachute and skydivers.
15.5. dropping point.
dropping point is selected by the pilot of the aircraft that gives the command is issued on the board of the 5-minute and 1-minute readiness to jump on board the athletes, who are separated by the pilot team, duplicated producing, in compliance with the 30-second interval after removal of the previous command.
15.6. Wind speed.
The maximum allowable speed is set at the ground is not more than 11 m. / Sec.
15.7. Wind direction indicators.
Pointer to the wind direction (cone) should react to the wind is not less than 2 m / sec. and be approved by the Chief Justice. on the landing platform judge determines its location about 50 meters from the center of a specific area landing.
15.8. landing area.
landing area must ensure the safety of approach and landing, have a marked circle with a radius of 20 meters.
15.9. Presence in the circle starting spot inspection.
15.9.1. While jumping inside the 20-meter circle and place of starting the inspection are permitted to attend only the members of the Ground Jury and the necessary support staff.
15.9.2.Mestonahozhdenie accredited journalists, radio and television near the site landing zone and start the inspection determines the Head of the competition, a representative of ASO ANO "Aerograd Kolomna" in terms of security.
15.10. Evaluation of results jumps and determination of winners.
15.10.1. videographers team no later than 15 minutes after landing, transmit video competition jumps in the panel of judges for the download and evaluate the results of the jump.
15.10.2. Each performance is evaluated by 3 skilled sudyami- members of the jury.
15.10.3. The judges will be watching the performance once at normal speed and then a second and final viewing at a slower speed (the speed is determined by the Chief Justice). When one of the judges can not determine the time of the work, he alone can see the jump at normal speed.
15.10.4. Judges recorded time to 1/100 second. Then, the operation is multiplied by the handicapping factor for each user to a hundredth of a second. Then judges prescribed potential penalties (see. Below) for each respective figure and the result calculated by the total time. At the end, excess of 40 seconds, 40 seconds are counted. After viewing the jump judging judge writes and stores the note into the computer run time set to the nearest hundredth of a second, fines, and he discovered that the overall result.
15.10.5. After comparing the outcome round the result will be calculated as the average value of the grand total of up to one-hundredth of a second.
15.10.6. Fines for free-fall:
1 - 10 degrees - 0.5 seconds;
11 - 20 degrees - 1.0 seconds;
21 - 30 degrees - 2.0 seconds;
and so on
71 - 80 degrees - 4.0 seconds;
81 - 90 degrees - 4.5 seconds;
90 degrees - 8.0 seconds.
1-180 degrees - there is no penalty;
181- 360 degrees - 10 seconds.
Over 360 degrees 10 seconds for every 360 degrees
turn pass
15 seconds for each missed a turn
incorrect group
15 seconds
Help to maneuver on tandem instructor
15 seconds with a maximum of 1 per round fine
Rotate video operator
15 seconds with a maximum of 1 per round fine
Inability to determine the start of exercise
40 seconds.
missed round
40 seconds
In addition to the above penalties for errors committed in the performance of complex spirals in freefall Head Judge may impose penalties for violation of safety rules.
If the instructor and / or a video statement believe that the athlete performed maneuvers dangerous and risky for the team, they can intervene to remedy the situation or terminate the jump. In this case, immediately after landing, jump video must be submitted to the Chief Judge, who must make the decision of the Jury with the assistance of an instructor in a tandem master and expert on work with disabled passengers to determine the exact circumstances. The jury will determine the correctness of the measures taken and may decide to impose the maximum penalty.
All-Russian public organization
"Russian Union of Disabled Sports"
119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt d.94, korp.5, kv.5002, phone (495) 935-0012
Name |
All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Disabled Sports" |
abbreviated name |
"The Russian Union of Disabled Sports" |
Short title |
"Rosinvasportsoyuz" |
Short name in English |
«Russian Sport Union of Persons with Disabilities» |
Short name in English |
Location |
119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospekt d.94, korp.5, Apt. 5002 |
Postal address (physical address) |
119415, Moscow, ul.Udaltsova, 11 |
Checking account |
40703810938180000357 |
Bank |
Cor. score |
30101810400000000225 |
044525225 |
7729439624/772901001 |
1077799009859 |
Date of registration records |
May 14, 2007 |
89630521 |
91.33 92.61 92.62 93.04 |
President Rssii |
Nurlygayanov Flur Fatkulgayanovich - Chairman of the Organizing Committee T. 8495 7674067 |
Coordinator of the Festival Organizing Committee: Sergei Mikhailovich Potekhin vol.8 -926-224-90-51, E-mail: 2012 psm@mail.ru Deputy Director aviakluba "Aerograd Kolomna", Head of the competitions, a member of the Organizing Committee of the Festival: Alexander Bochkarev Member of the Organizing Committee , senior coach of Russian national team in parachute jumping, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Federal Border Service: Vadim Niyazov