On the basis of the sports complex "Free Flight", which is almost on the border of Moscow and the Moscow Region 21 January 2018. Andrei Nechayev wheelchair from Vladivostok made her first training flights in the wind tunnel. For him, they are of particular importance. In 2009, another parachute jump fails, upon landing was severely damaged spine, came the ordeal. But Andrew did not give up the dream once again experience the feeling of free flight does not leave him. Before the new year, he heard from friends that in Russia with the support of the Presidential Grant Fund of the Russian Union of Disabled Sports is launching the project "The sky is open to all" which provided an opportunity for disabled people to fulfill their dream and make parachute jumps on a double parachute system "Tandem" and training flights in the modern wind tunnel. In the Far East, while this is not possible. Andrew contacted the coordinator of the project, who invited him to Moscow. And then quite incidentally was the turn for the permit in sanatorium near Moscow. So Andrew was able to implement his plan. Flights to aerotrube become a kind of cure for feelings of separation from loved skydiving. Andrew hopes that this is not forever strengthened. And then quite incidentally was the turn for the permit in sanatorium near Moscow. So Andrew was able to implement his plan. Flights to aerotrube become a kind of cure for feelings of separation from loved skydiving. Andrew hopes that this is not forever strengthened. And then quite incidentally was the turn for the permit in sanatorium near Moscow. So Andrew was able to implement his plan. Flights to aerotrube become a kind of cure for feelings of separation from loved skydiving. Andrew hopes that this is not forever strengthened.
Along with him he made their first flights, and the All-Russian newspaper journalist "Hope" Zaeva Catherine.