From 4 to 17 January 2018 in Sochi took place the 29th International Festival "KiViN", which was attended and invariant-league KVN integrated special status for the International Union of KVN "own league" from Perm, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions.
Humor, jokes, laughter, emotions and good mood - it's KVN. But positive people tend to be active in all things, and so one day it was decided to perform another important mission. As part of the preparation for participation in the project "The sky is available for all" all impressive delegation league guys went to the Sky Park, where he not only walked along the longest suspension bridge, but also to test themselves on the extreme rides.
For example, tihvinets Oleg Ivanov jumped on the "bungee" from a height of 207 meters. He was already feeling the free fall speed of last year, but this time significantly "increased the degree of extreme" to the maximum possible. The same height and won the Editor "of his league" Daria Chepasova (St. Petersburg). Vyacheslav Ushkov (p.Kiselnya) made his flight from a height of 69 meters. And he jumped with his vehicle - a wheelchair, as if confirming that the thrill is available to all.
Dmitry Bychkov (Boksitogorsk), Julia Gelbich and Pauline Nikeenko (Perm), Marina Mekhonoshin and Elena Makarova (Ekaterinburg) mastered tall swing the pendulum and made the flight with a shoulder height of 170 m in the "okolokosmicheskoy 'speed: in just a few seconds, breaking the 500 m.
- I said do not let go the hand of "steering" the entire flight and only thought about this. Therefore, I do not see anything. Yes, and at a speed of 70 km per hour at an altitude of bird flight to enjoy the beauty of the mountain is unreal, but you know the bottom, how much you love the earth. And of course, feel the excitement of what you did - you could! - says Natalya Belova (Tikhvin), which swept over the mountain gorge on a zip-liner - a special unit of the cables and straps that are attached to a steel rope.
- Tell me yesterday that this will happen to me. Yes, I would not have believed in life! Today hop happened. It is a dream that came true destined. This emotion words can not convey! In short it is a memorable day - says Julia Gelbich.
- There, on the edge, you stay alone with nature, whole body seemed numb, and you already can not manage it. But no matter what you're doing and start to move downward movement, and time stands still, or rather, it simply does not have, at that moment, you become one with nature. Many thanks to "your league" for the presented emotions "- once wrote comments in social media Oleg Ivanov.
In front of the guys in aerotrube flights and skydiving in the" tandem "And they definitely will succeed, because the training passed with flying colors!
Victoria Borkannikova
regional organization VOI Leningrad region,
"The sky is open for all" project coordinator
in Leningrad region and St. Petersburg